Carrie Delaney

Carrie is a spiritual director and owner of "Wings to Fly" in Lynchburg, Virginia. "Wings to Fly" is an apostolate that provides Christian Spiritual Mentorship and Direction to people of faith who are looking to deepen their relationship with God. Carrie spent 18 years of theological training with the Franciscan Sisters and received her certification in spiritual direction from the School of Spirituality in Clearwater, Florida. Carrie Delaney has also been trained in ministering to a diverse population of various faith backgrounds as a Healthcare Chaplain. She has special care and concern in her heart for bereavement ministry. No matter which stage of life one finds themselves in, Carrie stands at the foot of the cross with her directees in the sacredness of that moment.   With reverence, Carrie serves each person exactly where they are: spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Carrie can meet for spiritual direction sessions via phone or video application. Feel free to find out more at

call 434-534-1410.